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ENOUGH! Lebanon’s Darkest Hour

November 5 2021

ENOUGH! Lebanon’s Darkest Hour is a film that follows Australian-Lebanese filmmaker Daizy Gedeon’s independent introspection into how Lebanon has ended up in a state of complete catastrophe, exposing the country’s dark underbelly which is its most sinister enemy.

“We, the Lebanese diaspora, are being called on now, to rise for Lebanon in its darkest hour. Like this film by Lebanese Australian Daizy Gedeon shows, it is our time to step up and help our beloved Lebanon, and all our country’s men and women, who have carried the burden on our behalf for so long. I urge you to watch the full trailer of ENOUGH! Lebanon’s Darkest Hour and to share it with your community, friends, and family, because the time to rise is now, before it is too late. God bless America and God save Lebanon.” Thomas Abraham, Founder of the Beirut Foundation, and its initiative and Beirut relief effort Help Us Rise.


Po prvýkrát sa zariadenie používalo v Československu počas druhého vedeckého súdu druhého sveta Freund, ktorému komunistická vláda dala za úlohu určiť osoby od rekrutov poskytovať homosexuáli, ktorí sa chcú vyhnúť vojenskej službe. Neskôr La Fronda použila túto metódu v Kanade na určenie násilníkov. Samotný lístok však uznal, že jeho metóda je a niektorí zločinci sú schopní kontrolovať stupeň ich vzrušenia.

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